Hello. I am having an issue with using the envato market plugin. The two main plugins that I use with my themes (which come packaged with the themes) are revolution slider and visual composer.
But when I update my theme as well as these plugins through the envato market plugin it presents a problem.
That plugin offers updates for those 2 plugins. BUT those updates are for the very latest versions of the plugins available on Envato - NOT the latest available and compatible version with the themes.
The theme I use (like most themes it seems) does not update those plugins with their themes until a few weeks after the plugins main updates.
So if you update those plugins via the envato market plugin it can (and did) break parts of the site. Visual Composer for instance became broken because the theme was not compatible with that update.
In the future I plan on checking which plugins were packaged with themes and I will avoid updating those if I know they came with the theme. But we have many sites and mistakes can be made in this case. And I imagine others will have this issue too.
Do you have any plans to avoid this problem?
Thank you for the help.
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I understand the pain from your situation. However, there are multiple solutions for these issues. As you know when you purchase a theme from ThemeForest which comes bundled with premium plugins as you mentioned, the author of the theme will provide you updates/upgrades for those plugins.
###Theme authors & bundled plugins
Depending on who is the author of the theme, usually most of them quickly update their themes/plugins and submit update on ThemeForest to have their buyers happy in time.
*Keep in mind that the update is not instant, it should be approved by Envato reviewers which sometimes can take up to 4-5 days. Check Review Turnaround For ThemeForest if interested.
This why sometimes you get those updates for theme/plugins with delays.
###What is the solution?
Quickly report the issue after upgrading the plugin to theme seller. This way he can fix it and provide you updated theme with updated plugins.
If you purchased license for those plugins, to update them by yourself, but after upgrading a plugin there are errors caused by the theme, again, report them to the seller (in a ticket or comments section from theme item page). The author will take action and give you fixes;
Hope this answer your questions.
All the best
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Thank you for the response.
But in my experience most theme authors take weeks to update the plugins.
Also with your solution 2 this forces users to buy support for themes for
these issues. And this can also be time consuming if you have multiple
sites using a theme.
My suggestion: (and I understand it may be difficult, but eventually will
be necessary) is to have the Envato Market plugin detect when there is a
conflict with the theme’s plugins.
So if a theme includes plugins that are also sold separately on Envato
there should be a warning (on the plugin update options) that the theme
includes these plugins, at the least. OR it could possibly block you from
updating the plugins separately from the theme update.
Visual composer broke for us because the theme was not ready for it and we
wasted a lot of unnecessary time.
Thank you.
Hi Guys. I also am having plugin update issues with my theme (Dream Spa - Salon, Spa WordPress Theme). Lately the theme author has stopped including the zipped plugin update files for both WPBakery Visual Composer and LayerSlider WP, which other themes normally put in the “inc” folder for those who want to manually update the plugins on their own. When I contacted the theme author asking them to send me the zipped plugin files, they refused saying that I my support had expired. But sure this is not part of support since I will actually do the updating on my site by myself? Is the theme author correct that I must sign up for support first in order to receive plugin updates?