Hi, we are the new developers /administrators of a site.
The site uses theme bought from themeforest, and the previous developer has purchased it through his company or personal account.
Problem is that although he has provided us with an OAuth token for the theme used, the envato market plugin updates the theme, but doesn’t update the themes core & bundled plugins like framework, wp bakery, revoslider etc making it essentially useless.
Is this problem with the envato plugin solved somehow…can someone point me somewhere to check what can i do?
What is the procedure (and who should we contact) for moving the licence to the site owner so that the theme would be updated without problem?
Theme Bundled plugins do not have their own licenses (purchase code). This means they cannot be updated using Envato market plugin.
All bundled plugins update responsibility is the theme’s author. Just always download the theme latest version to get latest update plugins and update bundled plugin manually.
If you really want to auto update features by one click then you have to purchase individual license for the plugin(s) and you have to register/activate the license.
You can check this Help article:
Automatic updates and support directly from the plugin author is only for those who will purchase the plugin directly from the plugin author from codecanyon.
I understood your answer, but your answer doesn’t solve the problem.
The company that has the site wants something simple, …just wants his site to work flawlessly for the money they were asked when tehy purchased the theme.
Buying the bundled plugins probably is going to cost him a lot more that the theme and still that doesn’t solve the issue, cause the core plugins are not for sale…for example PGS core.
So, the question still remains, how can the “final” customer of a purchase, get what he purchased for?
[Sorry for the tone if it seems a bit harsh, but it is an actual problem that many people have, and i think envato is doing this in the wrong way]
As I mentioned in my first reply:
All bundled plugins update responsibility is the theme’s author. Just always download the theme latest version to get latest update plugins and update bundled plugin manually.
and also hope you have checked Envato Market Help Center article, link provided in my first reply where envato mentioned about theme bundled plugins and how theme bundled plugins work.