I have a license of the X-Theme, and I understand its embedded LayerSlider, and Modern Events Calendar plugins are not getting updated. Do I need to load any license from you guys, so this update process works properly? Please advise. (see error messages attached)
Theme Bundled plugins do not have their own licenses (purchase code). This means they cannot be activated mean registered for updates. So you can safely ignore any plugin activation/registration messages and Theme Bundled plugin will work fine for you.
All bundled plugins update responsibility is the theme’s author. Just always download the theme latest version to get latest update plugins and update bundled plugin manually.
If you really want to auto update features by one click then you have to purchase individual license for the plugin(s) and you have to register/activate the license.
You can check this Help article:
Automatic updates and support directly from the plugin author is only for those who will purchase the plugin directly from the plugin author from codecanyon.
This leads me to a question concerning my X-Theme, which I purchased through you guys.
I got the Pro–Child Theme (Current Version: 1.0.0), which, following suggestions from your team, is the one active; hence the Pro Theme (Current Version: 5.1.5) shows as inactive. Are these the latest versions I should see in my setup? I frequently update them, but the Child Theme doesn’t change.
Yes, the bundle plugins should work fine without the license activation.
If you are using the latest version then should display the latest version.
You can use Envato Market WordPress Plugin to get auto update features. This plugin helps customers receive updates to their premium wordpress Themes & Plugins purchased through Envato Market (ThemeForest & CodeCanyon).
you can download the plugin from here:
Otherwise you can download the update version from Envato Market Downloads page and update manually using ftp.
Note: Better to keep a full backup before doing the update.