I purchased the King theme and downloaded from the provided link on Themeforest. Windows Defender immediately quarantines the file after download and flags for Trojan:Win32/Spursint.F!cl.
I wrote to the Author through their Support page but there’s no response for over two days now. The Support site is just a basic form, with no ticket number provided.
Should ask for refund?
Hi @dobriyal1,
Windows Defender is notorious for false positives. What it claimed it found in your case was a “trojan downloader” in the theme of a JavaScript file, rather than a trojan itself.
If you’d like to move forward with the theme immediately, you can safely disable Windows Defender and download the theme. Don’t open it – instead, head over to virustotal.com and upload the zip file. They will scan it against all the top antiviruses and you can determine if it’s a false positive or not. if it is infected, delete the zip file and send the virustotal results to envato support by opening a Help ticket .
It’s probably false warning by Windows Defender. You can ignore it.
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Thanks. I had the same thought but wanted validation before taking any risk. I hope Envato scans files before allowing them on their platform.
Yes, Envato not only scans but also only quality items get approve.