Alert Trojan Horse in the Update "Brünn - Creative Agency Theme"

Thera was a Trojan Horse in the Update “Brünn - Creative Agency Theme” that I’ve just download today

It seems unlikely given @Select-Themes are one of the most established and respected authors on envato.

Are you using Window Defender by any chance?

If you are still worried you can contact the author or envato Envato Market Help and Support

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May be it is a false positives. but for security don’t open it – instead, head over to and upload the zip file. They will scan it against all the top antiviruses and you can determine if it’s a false positive or not. Most likely, even Windows Defender will mark it as safe. But if it is infected, delete the zip file and send the virustotal results to support by opening Help ticket .

Hello @hcapoen,

First of all, we’d like to thank you for choosing our theme for your project.

It is important to note that all our themes and uploaded files need to pass Envato Market security checks and we’re proud to say that none of the files we ever uploaded contained any potential threat.

We take these reports seriously and we’ve tested the ZIP file in question, as well as all the files included in item package through above mentioned Virus Total website and the engine detected no harmful file or folder whatsoever.

The test went even further with multiple anti-virus tools from our developers and they couldn’t find anything weird.

As per suggestions by topic moderators, this could be related to Windows Defender or it could simply be false positive in case you’re using some 3rd party anti-malware software. We will continue testing our themes thoroughly in the future to make sure this never happens.

We’d like to thank Community Moderators @charlie4282 & @mgscoder for such a quick and helpful replies, we appreciate that very much.

Kind regards,
Select Themes

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