Today is the worst day of my life. :(

I know i can’t discuss DMCA or copyright materials on forums. So tell me where i discuss these issues?

So. i have 11 items in my CodeCanyon portfolio and now i have only 7 items left due to fake DMCA take down notice on my 4 items and all these items are HTML5 games. Somebody send a fake DMCA notice and envato deleted my months of hard work in just one click :cry: and now he/she created new account and commenting on all of my items if you don’t remove this item from your portfolio i send a DMCA notice again if it happens i know envato delete my all items from my portfolio because envato take copyright contents very seriously.

My all demo previews are hosted on github repository and sadly i can’t make my github repository private due to payment issue these days, so he/she downloaded my all items and uploaded it for proof that i stole his/her work and i can’t do anything i also contact envato support that please don’t believe on fake DMCA notice but no one listen me :persevere: and my 4 items deleted from my portfolio and all money is gone i never ever purchase anything or withdraw my money from my envato account.

WHY Envato WHY you believe fake DMCA notice please tell me the reason why?

I have also 2 ThemeForest items and 5 AudioJungle items and i know my 2 ThemeForest also deleted from envato if some one send a fake notice, am not really old am only 18 years old. so please tell me what should i do now? I am so disappointed right now.

Thanks for your time.


That’s a horrible situation and if you haven’t already contacted Envato support directly I suggest you do so right away. I’m sure once you’ve explained the story to them they can take action to restore your items.

Good luck and I hope you get it sorted out quickly.


I don’t know how it is with code/gamedesign, but maybe you have some work in progress files, some backup files or copies that date back to the time when you started working on them? For instance if somebody claims copyright of any of my music works, I can use project files as a proof that I’m the owner… I hope the support will be able to help you, just make sure you have all the reasoning and proofs on your side…

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Yeah! i have to fight. :alien:

Yup i have many PSD’s files of my games and i also included these files in main download for buyers so they can easily edit any content of the game. Sure i will have to contact Envato support directly and hope all deleted items will be restored.

Thanks for your response guys.

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This is trully horrible, mate! I sincerely hope it all workes out well in the end for you!

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Wow that is scary for any author out there! I am sorry to hear about this.

I am however certain that you’ll be able to work this out with Envato.

In the event these DMCA’s were real, and it was your product stolen, you’d be thankful of the fast response.

Though in this situation, I can understand the concern and stress it may cause and certainly if you’ve the proof to prove these are your own works, Envato will work with you to resolve it. Sending positive thoughts. Good luck!


To be honest, I’m amazed you didn’t get a DMCA notice sooner. I’ve mentioned this before, but your green monsters game is a blatant rip off of a Dark Horse Comics character and should never have been accepted.

I’m not sure what your other items were as, obviously, they’re not there any more… but is it possible these items are breaching somebody’s copyright? Maybe that’s why they sent the DMCA? If they’re not, and you’re the rightful owner of the work, then obviously that’s not fair and I hope you manage to get it sorted.

Have these comments all been removed by Envato, as they’re not there now?

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Yup @SpaceStockFootage i remember you said on old forums that my Green Monster game is using Dark Horse character and i already explained this on old forums you can check this thread from this link and this game is still in my CodeCanyon items but what about my other HTML5 games? i contact envato many times but i don’t get any official response :fearful: and yeah all comments removed from my items but he/she commenting again and again. Seriously, its kinda annoying and i read all DMCA articles if someone send a second DMCA notice against one of my item my account will be deleted from envato and my all earnings will be freeze :cold_sweat: Ah! bad day…

Generally speaking, If you’ve uploaded your code on github and it is stolen now, I think you can claim the ownership because your github project would have some time stamp (e.g. when it was first commited), anybody uploaded your code after this date might not be the original author.

Further, why you’ve uploaded your commercial project on github public repository? You can always use private repository without any cost.

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Why did you posted your Codes on Github for free? i don’t understand it. I think it’s your little fault and you need to Authorize and Contact the Envato Support.

So strange and maybe useful post :wink:

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Well you never really answered my concerns in that thread. You just said that some guy called Alex did the Hellboy illustration/animation, but unless Alex works for Dark Horse Comics and can provide a license for you to use their copyrighted imagery, then it shouldn’t be included in your item, or even your preview.

Although you may be entirely innocent in this, and if you are I apologise, but your slightly lax attitude to copyright law may mean that the DMCA actually has some merit, even if you’re under the impression that it hasn’t. Did the DMCA notice give any indication as to why they were wanting the item removed? Did you create every single design/concept/image/function/code in your item from scratch, based off your own unique ideas?

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Why you are not removing your projects from github?

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@MsTrends i hosted my demo previews on GitHub and i make a repository private so nobody can download my source files but about 4 days ago my repository is not private due to payment issue and now this repository it’s public accessible so anybody can download my source files but now i embed or encrypt my all codes for future safety and thanks for sharing this useful website and @Themewaves yup i know it’s my fault but why they send a DMCA take down notice to my items? You can only send a DMCA notice when your work has been stolen and the truth is that i really don’t stole anything.

@SpaceStockFootage Due to privacy issue i don’t want to give you the details of ALEX who made the game graphic designs and yeah we have license to sell this design on envato and i really don’t understand why they were sending Fake DMCA notice to envato.

@drakoniuz if i removed my all projects from my github repository i have to manually edit my all demo links and not even demo links my all documentation files, videos links etc that i created is linked from my github repository so that’s why i can’t.

Well if you have a license to use Hellboy in your item then you’d think you’d make more of a song and dance about it. For one thing, I wouldn’t be calling my game ‘Green Monsters’ if it was an officially licensed Hellboy game. Like if Disney licensed a game with Iron Man in it, that was available exclusively on Envato… you’re not going to call it ‘Man in a Robot Suit’.

You should be shouting this from the rooftops… I’m sure Envato would be happy do a write-up in the blog about an eighteen year old, Level 2 author, that has managed to secure the first officially licensed movie/comic book character item on the marketplace. It would be a great demonstration that you don’t have to be long in the tooth, or an Elite author, to succeed.


@UDX i may be mistaking you but i recall you recently uploaded an item on Themeforest, html template that was a full copy of a popular awarded design from Awwwards. It was taken down the next day. Maybe this kind of behaviour led to this?

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@hogash my both Audio Folio and Aline template nominated in, and many other online libraries and yeah Aline template mistakenly taken down from ThemeForest but this issue has been resolved and now you can check this template in my portfolio and one thing i have to mention i have many games that are also nominated in

#Counter DMCA

is what you are looking for.

If you are 100% sure that you have not violated any copyrights, then send a counter DMCA to Envato. They will put it back within 10 days if the other party not submitted an injunction from court.

If he did that, then its between you and him and the court will decide who owns the file.

More Details on Envato


Can you please share link to this Aline design on awwwards website?

Good information! :laughing:

Ok, here is the link to awwwards:

Is there anything you want to say?