Tips on building WordPress themes

Hi guys.

I would like to start building some wordpress templates, and I wanted to know if there is some kind of backend panel so that i could attach to my wordpress theme.
I know that there are plenty of wordpress builders, but I would like one that could be integrated on a theme where I could set my own options, and not need to use these kind of builders.

Best regards.

Hi @EZCode,

You may want to check out Redux Framework, however be aware that team officially recommended sticking with native customizer API. For now themes that use additional options frameworks are being accepted on ThemeForest though.


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Checkout Kirki, which uses the Customizer API and gets it one step forward

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Thanks for your help @LucaThemesCom.
Do you think that a wordpress theme with custom built optionshas more chance of being accepted?
I think a few years ago themes have been rejected if they came with those custom options, and should have been made as wordpress plugins, is this correct?
Because if we are building a custom theme, and we don’t add it something special, then it will be very hard to sell nowadays, due to the number of themes that exist, either are the free ones from, or the payed ones from marketplaces.
So I’m really stuck here, and I don’t know what to expect from the future…
But thank you so much for your reply :wink:
@creativeGagency, thank you. I’ll have a look at it. :slight_smile:

Best regards.

I don’t think it matters that much today whether you build options panel on your own or use a framework. It’s mostly down to the design, amount of customizations available in theme is up to you (although clients got used to the fact they can change pretty much anything in theme).

Don’t worry about free themes, they most likely will never reach the quality level premium themes have :wink:

Themes are being rejected today if they provide features that could be added in a form of plugin (mostly things a client wouldn’t want to loose while switching to a different theme, however it’s unavoidable in the end). I’d stick with a framework if you don’t want to spend too much time inventing things someone has already created. In a year or two, when you have enough time and confidence, you can write something completely from scratch. For now try focus on the designs.


@creativeGagency, we found that support mentions the following:

Keep in mind that if you choose to follow this method Kirki will be “invisible” as a plugin to your clients and they will therefore be unable to update to future versions in case of bugfixes and/or security updates.

So how could we manage to have this code updated?! Should we need to update the theme everytime this script would be updated?!

There are 2 different ways to include it, if you want to embed inside the theme yes you push theme updates.
If you want you can add the updates from

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+1 for kirki

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