Nice Job
Wow! Great video! I wish I have such a workflow and skills - so jealous Beautiful and very useful Best regards! And thanks for sharing!
Thanks @MyMusicID @GentleJammers @BenLeong @AurusAudio @scottwills @SmartOwlMusic
@Ladanauskas - it depends, I could write many tracks in a row if needed usually.
Admirable productivity.
Nice video. Very effective approach of composing and producing the track. I like the way you tweak and mix the synths while you are still arranging them, so you save time later on in the mix and focus more on the bass and drums tracks.
Great! Thank you!
Thank you very much for the most interesting material!
Awesome work!
Thank you!
Wow! Fantastic work! Thank you very much!
Cool! Very useful! Great skills and workflow! Thnx for sharing
Very interesting and informative for me. Thank you!
Thanks guys! I appreciate all your feedback. Are you interested in more stuff like this?
@MusicalGift @newsense @PeacockMusic @Mr_Spectrum @Caramelle @EleoneSound @LDj_Audio
thanks for this! and YES! we need more! MORE MORE MOOOREEE!
of course!
I use studio one too. Your workflow looks very interesting.
Of course! It would be great to see you working on a tracks from different genres😀 It’s always great pleasure and a big lesson to see someone with super skills sharing their workflow/tricks. All the best!
While I have no direct interest in music production, I stumbled onto this, gave it a view, and really enjoyed watching you bring this track to life. Thanks for sharing!
Of course. Why not. It would be awesome.
Thanks Olexandr! Great work!
Great job!
Just got around to watching this. Awesome stuff man! Love watching other people’s workflow! Thanks for putting this together!