Themeforest purchase codes from 2015 without expiration date from API

Hello, we have some purchase codes (submitted to our support system by users) that users made in 2015 (I think after new support policy was added) that does NOT have expiration date from API answer. Code is valid, but expiration date set as “” (empty string). For example some WordPress themes purchases from March 24, 2015.

What this mean? Does this mean that this item support already ended, or it have 1 year support until March 24, 2016? Or it have 6 month support? Or? Should this user prolong support period or not?

Ticksy support system automatically validate purchase codes and show if code expired or not. For some items we see that support expired (for example for items sold in 2012-2014 we get message about expired support at 1 March 2015), but for some items we see “The Envato API has not provided an expiration date with this purchase” - this is items where expiration date set to “” in API answer. Even ticksy does not know what this mean and what is expiration date for this items.

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Hi @dedalx ,

so yes, null means expired.

But seems like currently it won’t even return null :confused: It returns nothing…

Am I nuts or did this just change in the last 12 hours? Previously I was getting null for expired support, but this morning I’m getting the timestamp for March 2 (the day all pre-change support expired) in the supported_until field.

Are you guys getting the same?