[ThemeForest] Envato Review Times

this is absolutly destroy my motivation to work :frowning:


Hi, again after resubmission its now more than 2 days… From thursday till today

Still waiting?!?

It is Sunday, there’s not much reviewing action on the weekends.

Expect 3 working days

More Than 35 days and counting …

45 days and counting!

Got an answer after 45 days. :frowning: :frowning:

This is crazy! Today is 2 MONTH!!! 2 MONTH!!!

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I can wait…

but all the bills I have can’t…

guys, your motivation for me to keep publishing items on TF is really needed here.

It’s more then 35 days, Still waiting…

@ Reviewer is there any News for me. If you have any opening for reviewer defiantly i will join you & finish all theme review work fast :sunglasses:

Congratulation! You just unlock the “most longest pending item on the review queue” badge… Lol :stuck_out_tongue:


Thank you! But where is my Prize :slight_smile: ?

43 days and counting here…

Why does the review time for themes say 35 days? When I submitted 43 days ago it was at 28 days… well, it’s been 43. Maybe time to update the quality page?

you should wait 2 months for the prize :sunglasses:


You are my inspiration guys, you must keep publish item here :relaxed:

Two months and counting…

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5 Days… Boring… (Resubmission)

I leave this place for two years and this are the times it lives now? :slight_smile:
I remember when the waiting was from a few hours to around 2 days.

Got my theme reviewed after 47 days with a soft reject. I re submitted it on the same day and to my surprise it got approved in few hours :smile: Thanks for the fast response on resubmission!

6 Days… (Resubmission)