Hi all, I faced with the fact that repeatedly receives the rejection of my work, I would like to ask this question here, maybe someone can advise what criteria do not fit the last work.
We have completed our review of “Slideshow” and unfortunately we found it isn’t at the quality standard required to move forward, and you won’t be able to re-submit this item again.
Hi! I think the reason is this paragraph.
2. Relevant: The files shouldn’t look dated at the time of upload. Upload and create items that are relevant to contemporary industry trends or have a unique and timeless style.
Please review our Envato platforms to get a sense of what we’re looking for and head over to the Envato Author Hub to see what’s trending.
I am very concerned about the criteria for rejecting files without giving any feedback, I have received 9 rejections of beautiful files, trending files, great resolution, beautiful photography, impeccable editing and above all, using the list of most wanted files that envato provides in the trends terms of search.
It’s frustrating to spend hours of our life on these files and we only get a hard reject without feedback.
@KingDog Feedback for a hard reject is very important, for politeness, professionalism or simply courtesy to avoid repeating the same mistake.
Currently we only receive a generic message that says:
“After reviewing this item we’ve decided that it is not the right fit for Envato Elements and will not be published.”
I repeat, I use the trending search terms to create new files, that makes no sense.
Is there a reason you are trying to submit to elements and not going via the main marketplaces first?
You should share preview images/demos of what was rejected here if you want feedback.
It’s not just about the design or build, there are numerous factors around originality, market suitability etc. too.
It’s been discussed a thousand times but reviewers cannot and should not provide feedback on everything (they already do for items close to the standard).
Envato get thousands of submissions every month, to feedback on all would make the review queue unfeasibly long
a large % of submissions are a long way off the mark and often those authors simply wouldn’t be able to take onboard and correctly action feedback about big topics like typography or hierarchy etc. which in turn will lead to more confusion for them and more delays for reviewers
Rejected files are very different from each other, the rejected and approved files are crafted with the same criteria. It seems that the selection is random and that worries me, I was very excited creating files, now I sit down to work and I am afraid that I am wasting my time because the file I am working on will be rejected without knowing why, it is very discouraging.
The rejection system is really annoying and it is not clear for me.
I am pretty sure that the platform is not full with iphone 15 mockups.
The iphone was launched days ago, but they reject all my new mockups.
That what i was saying imagine putting your heart and soul into presenting a project, a project that is WELL MADE. And wait for like a week for a review to get at the end “unfortunately we found it isn’t at the quality standard required to move forward, and you won’t be able to re-submit this item again.”
How pathetic is that? feedback must be a must.