I had an interesting case. I got the project rejected because it’s from a video lesson. I asked for a link to this tutorial and there was another project of mine in this tutorial where they did reverse engineering and recorded the tutorial.
It is forum ban not related to author’s actions
Yo don’t sweat it guys, me and @MTzST handled everything through DMs and he apologized and took the video down. He also said he’s gonna clean his portfolio and never use other projects in the future. All good.
On-topic : Sales slightly below average.
In this case, you should have forgiven the guy immediately and not distracted him. Yes, he did a bad thing, but the most important thing is that he’s our man, because he also has a lot of disagreements with the company’s policy, especially with regard to EE. He’s just like us, he’s our companion, and he’s an ally in the most important things.
Morpheus will not take revenge on Neo for taking his cup?
Today a user contacted me asking for help in my project.
As we found out, my template was downloaded from a pirate site where there are many of my and other stolen projects.
But the most interesting thing is that this person paid money for a premium subscription (which costs $ 12 per month) to download the template. This user thought it was legal.
Perhaps we should be happy that our work helps someone earn money. But why am I not experiencing this feeling? Maybe I’m just a greedy person … I should think about it.
Send DMCA note to shut down this item
Routine idea that every other author knows they don’t care about our dmca. Now a days even file sharing sites also not responding to these mails. Because most of the file sharing websites make pirate sites.
Basically, I know this. My files are everywhere and I don’t care, it doesn’t feels like my sales are affected.
As for my comment it should be like this: “This problem is only up to Authors as they are license owners of their items, so everything you can do is to send DMCAs”
So when you type videohive.net you get to see this
Sales are growing, yet its still only 80% of average this week and only 60% of monthly. On this silent period i moved my focus on other way of making money especially POD (print on demand) made few designs, launched profiles on different platforms and etc. Then in the end i come to the questions about advertising and especially material for advertising (like placid, or projects which you guys make in AE, PR). And yet i catch myself that i do not rush into getting an subscription. Even though i feel that if i would subscribe for something it would be just for very short period of time, or i would just buy something cheaper pre-made and finish it by myself. So i feel that if i`ve seen any item which is selling at the same costs as EE subscription (~15-20$) i would rather buy it instead of getting involved into “auto subscription” madness. I hope at least biggest part of our costumers here thinks in this way.
I was saying its not the solution. deep inside everyone knows its no use, thats my comment. while other sites are taking care of these things in envato authors are losing their quality time sending dmca to walls.
my intention is its useless send dmca
Ive been working at Licensing Agency for some time. Most frauds are extinguished by sayings "Copyright owner is located in China, he lives in far remote area and his name and address is “股票竊取者
湖南省 距礦山一千英里” please contact him regarding your questions.
you win my heart
what comes around goes around
Oh… i love this… Each day i have discover some new surprise https://videohive.net/search/modern%20buildings?utf8=✓
80% of first 10 pages are just single author works (even his projects are not filled with all keywords to appear)
check his portfolio page. can you imagine how to fill all the keywords for all pages ?
Buyers will never find your video in tonns of video garbage from studios like this.
but I found a business plan.
we can ask him for SEO job, $5 for file ))
This types of stories makes me feel that i am Farmer rather Digital Author in new era. All our projects its kind a leaves of old plant which fall on the ground and rotten. And then it works as fertilizers for such kind of newbie agency seeds or envato in general. And yeah we are no one among More Equal authors for some reason.
VH is dead. just agree with this.
because of Corona no sales from south korea - my best buyers with usa…