Tell Us Your Stories!

Now it’s official! Collectively, Envato Authors all across the world have made over $1 billion! It’s a huge achievement, something that’s actually hard to even imagine, but it makes us so happy that so many Authors have been able to make a living from doing what they love over the last 15 years.

I wanted to thank you all so much for your contributions to this thread, and also with the videos many of you submitted! There are so many heartwarming stories that remind us why we love what we do :smiley:

Even though we weren’t able to use all of the videos, I’m very grateful to everyone who shared their stories with us. So they might not be in the final video, but please be assured that your stories have been, and will be, shared throughout the company, and may also be included in future videos!

So here is the video! Share it with your friends and families, and feel free to continue to share your stories :slight_smile:

Check out our new community stories section on the Envato blog for more stories and videos around this awesome milestone!