Submitted my first HTML template... and was Rejected.

I just submitted my first HTML template on themeforest. I got hard rejected. There were no reasons given other than that I need to ask for feedback here.

The preview url is:

Can you guys give me something that I have overlooked?

Can a possible reason be that I’ve used tailwindcss to build this theme ? (With tailwind you write all the css you want directly with by classes using their utility classes like mx-4, border-black, etc). You can inspect element to see what I am talking about if you haven’t used tailwind. Could it be the reason?

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I haven’t used tailwind before , But my guess is it’s not a code-related problem , your template is probably too simple for TF … I understand it’s supposed to be a simple landing page but maybe it’s way too simple compared to other landing page templates in TF ?


Thank You.
I think that might be it. It only had 2 pages, landing page + login/signup. The main difference between other accepted themeforest themes and the one I submitted is that. They usually have a lot of different pages even if they are not fully unique, like a 3 column/2column layout and stuff like that. I’ll try again with more variations. I dont think that the landing page itself is simple - I mean it has everything a landing page on themefores has, (correct me if you think I am wrong), but it’s just that the theme as a whole has only 2 pages which makes it simple.
Thanks again.

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You’re right landing page is supposed to be simple and has one goal to achieve, So by definition your template is supposed to be more than enough ,

But themeforest usually ask for one of two types of items :

1- Simple , unique and absolutely beautiful design with gorgeous animation , UI elements and typography , You know something similar to those amazing dribbble or behance projects .

2- Or a classic non-unique design with tons of features that can be classified under more than one category.



Maybe it will help if you add a few different landing page variants with different sections. Also, you can try to add some appearing animation effect, like here - and scrollTo animation.


I understand the effort you spend. Everyone has a story here. First of all, your design may not really want to hear it, but it is not envato quality. Please don’t be upset and don’t get me wrong. It is best to try again to go further. Try again and make sure there are better results. I want to give some tips so you can get good results.
A site where you can be inspired while designing 1
One of the most important things in design is space and alignment.
Usually 2 fonts are recommended as fonts. Heading and paragraph font for this, you can look at your favorite fonts with the fontfaceninja extension and apply them to yourself on the sites.
Choose high quality images for color matching contrast and get colors compatible 1 You can also get support from this site. You can use freepik, unsplash for images.
You can use freepik, unsplash for images.
You can reduce the size of the images on the site you give the demo link, you can use for quick opening.
H1 title tag is used only once on a page, note this. Use absolutely error-free.
There is a site called where you can download free themes and examine them. You can examine the products made in the last year, the quality standards of the download.
When you throw your application, you do not throw the pictures, you only use the placeholder image.
Documentation should not be forgotten.
In other words, the experiences I have come to my mind may be useful.

Good Luck !

Best regards…