Submission disappeared from Themeforest without any notifications


I’ve tried submitting one of my admin dashboards to ThemeForest but after three days of review queue any trace of my submitted item has disappeared from the TF admin. There is no email regarding my submission or the rejection of the item.

This is the item I’m trying to submit:

As you can see the quality and features are very good.

Any ideas?


Hi @bloomui,

If you didn’t receive the Item review notification email (you should to check spam/junk as well), then check your email settings (Settings => Email Settings) in Envato market Dashboard Settings, is there a check mark for Item review notifications.

Sometimes email can go in spam, so need to check inbox, spam, junk as well.


Ah, thank you.

Indeed, Item review notifications were disabled.

Any ideas on how I can view the past review result?

If your item is hard rejected then not possible to know the past review result. If soft rejected then check your Dashboard ‘Hidden Items’ tab. If your item exists in the ‘Hidden Items’ tab click on that item then check History Tab, there you will get the issue you have to fix.

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