Item disappeared for no reason.

Hello everyone,

After 3 months of work we submitted a WordPress Theme item but today our item disappeared in the review queue, with no hard or soft rejected message (in both themeforest dashboard and email).

Could anyone help me figure out what happened?

I’d check your spam folder and your hidden items tab in your dashboard. Either way, if it’s no in your portfolio available for sale, and it’s no longer in the review queue, then it’s most likely it has been either hard rejected or soft rejected (should be in hidden tab if it’s soft rejected).

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If you didn’t receive the Item review notification email (you should to check spam/junk as well), then check your email settings (Settings => Email Settings) in Envato market Dashboard Settings, is there a check mark for Item review notifications.

Sometimes email can go in spam, so need to check inbox, spam, junk as well.

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Thanks you!

Thanks you! May be our item has hard rejects. I don’t know rejection’s reason

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