Today I try to login on my blog and this strange message appears: “Oops, We can’t detect your purchases.Please update your purchase code to continue.”
What should I do? Why this message?
Best regards
Today I try to login on my blog and this strange message appears: “Oops, We can’t detect your purchases.Please update your purchase code to continue.”
What should I do? Why this message?
Best regards
Did you get the theme on Themeforest or Envato Elements?
If it was ThemeForest then this is an easy fix and you can just add your purchase code to authenticate it.
If it was from Envato elements then you may need to contact support because downloads do not come with license codes which would be problematic
Hi together,
I have the same problem. The pop-up looks very unserious to me: No imprint, no email in advance that they will request it, all my data should be sent to a server.
Sure that this is from Envato? @tragicomico Did it work for you?
Greetings, Lisa
This will be from the author NOT envato. If in doubt then you should message the author and check it is legit. https://help.market.envato.com/hc/en-us/articles/203039054-How-to-contact-an-author
Thank you for the answer. Unfortunately I do not understand it. I also want to log into wordpress but then I get the same image. I am not sure that this is really from Envato because I did not get an email in advance. There is no author mentioned so I dont know who to write…
Hi Lisa, I finally added the authentication code and now everything works. Hope this solution is safe.
I just got this message from PenciDesign, author of the Theme:
This issue caused by the system can’t detect your purchases. You just need to re-update the purchase code to the field and everything will go back to normal.
That’s not hacked, no worries.
Best Regards,
i had also a similair message like this on https://www.wijreinigen.nl i don’t know why and how plz help!
It looks like ransomware and ACTS like ransomware! I’m now locked out of my WordPress site at a critical time and cannot continue working. I purchased the license TWO years ago and it has worked fine. Why does this occur on the WORST POSSIBLE day? I have two licenses for my theme, one for each website. How do I know which one to enter for the one I’m working on? I saved the “token number” I used to activate my theme (which I’m only guessing is the issue, because my Envato Tool Kit plugin gives the same ransomy-virusy black lock-out notice) on each website, but never knew I’d have to sort out the purchase codes. Never Penci!
UPDATE: I just guessed and put in my two purchase codes, one in each of my websites. It seems to have ransomed my site, EXCEPT the page I was editing when the black ransom box came up is now unavailable! If did what I was told, why would you erase my work?! This is NOT a good customer experience.
I agree, it was a bad solution. To block the job, it was enough to send an alert by e-mail.
The author locks the wp-admin screen like malware, until you enter the theme’s activation key. I thought it was a phishing attempt, but no. It is bad practice.
Break your theme to whoever steals it from you but don’t touch the rest of a legal installation that isn’t yours. Very angry.
this is indeed strange i encounterd it too.
Couldn’t agree more. Lock theme functionality, but don’t lock me out of my entire website.
Extremely bad practice.
Envato should ban authors with bad practices. In the WordPress repository this action would lead to immediate expulsion.
It just happened to me as well. I use the theme “soledad” from PenciDesign. Looks like a phishing scam, I can’t sign in to my wp-backend anymore. This is definitely not a proper way to treat your customers!
Meanwhile the developer has answered my question: The strange message is not phishing and it should be ok to enter the purchase code. After entering the code login was possible again. Here the link to the comment: Discussion on Soledad – Multipurpose, Newspaper, Blog & WooCommerce WordPress Theme (Page 151)