Is this message fake?

Hello Authors,

Yesterday I was got the email from a customer.

Hi dear seller about couple days ago,I bought your stuff, but I still do not get this position in my account, although i have this transaction in my paypal account.
I wrote message themeforest client support, they recommend me to contact you attached a screenshots of my paypal and Themeforest accounts.

Here are screenshots in zip-archive:

Please help me understand about the situation.


This email was sent from diadisercho1983 through your profile contact form on Envato Market.

If you need to verify that this user is a customer of yours, visit &message_type=pm
The purchase data shown in this link will be visible for 7 days.

You can reply directly to this email to respond to diadisercho1983

Psst! Remember - this is not a marketing email. Since you have an Envato Account, we want to keep you informed about transactions, operational updates or changes to our websites.

Does any one know about this emails. Because I have concern with some other authors they also got the same text email.

If it is fake please be alert if any one got the same message.


Duplicate post Do not open Fake Emails with Zip file attached

Please check that

Your not the only person to get this email

Thank you @varunsridharan

Yes please requested to authors, do not open the zip and link which i have showed above.

I got it also. It’s a spam