StockFootage time review

Since the spring, Envato have increased time review footage from 7 to 41 days. Why did this happen? There is the worst stock footage now. If you don’t need stock footage anymore just close it.
I don’t want to listen tales about “contributors to much” and bla-bla-bla. I want to know what Envato will do with this. Let be limits for submit like at AudioJungle if you can not increase the number of reviewers


I fully agree with my colleague!!!


+1 !!! it’s very important for us - contributors


+1. It’s really fantastic what is going on with videohive last year…

Fantastic reviewers - I get about 98-99% clips rejected (btw, I am in the top three by monthly sales on VH)

And yes - terrible reviewing time…

I don’t know, who was the author of all of this - what is happening with videohive these days (all last year, to be precise…) Who wants to kill it?..


+1 Now Reviewed footage, that I upload 2 month ago and some stocks sold this items…


Yep, we need a clear solution and explanations. Me also suffering from unreasonable good footages rejects and unusual long review time.


Very long review time and many good footages clips rejected.


+1 You are checking our footages more than a month and rejecting really good clips. Should we stop upload our works to Videohive? Seriously: “Your clip is stricktly out of our high standarts” but had good sales on other stocks. How this could be?
I’m voting for limited upload if Your inspectors can not checks our works in resonable time.


we bring you the money! and so for pennies sell more and acceptance of 10 per cent … change policy


Согласен на 100% с коллегами.


+1 Videohive used to sell more footage than other stocks. But something has changed. It seems like they want sell less.


+1 videohive, a special stock for me. I very much hope that the delay review footage will soon be reduced to its previous level.


It’s really fantastic, what is going on there… From my 1000 last submitted videos, I think only 40-50 got approved. Btw, I am one of the top authors on VH with 700-800 sales per month… I’ve put much more money and effort in producing those new clips, and really all of them get rejected.

Who are those inspectors (mostly form Hungary) with their date of registration in 2015-2016? Do they really have skill to understand what is video footage? What are the criteria of rejecting footage?

I know that it’s not only my problem: I talked with the authors - with a lot of them - and all of them have the same situation. One year ago, when my footages were worse, than they are now, I had about 85% of my clips being accepted, and now, when I start to invest much more in production (and I see, that sales become higher and higher on the major competitors sites) I have about 4-5% acceptance rate on Videohive.

Earlier there were experienced inspectors (like Motion Revolver) who is the author also. And it was possible to talk with him, to describe something, to find a solution. And now the inspectors are workers with the registration date on the early 2016, and I (and all other authors) see this unbelievable rejection rates.

Of course the inspectors team can say that now they are more restricted with acceptance of the items, because of growing quality of the collection, but it’s not true. Many contributors (and me) have noticed, that all of their nature shots submitted were accepted, and all of the lifestyle shootings were rejected.

It’s very strange.

There are no real reasons of rejection. When the shot was made from the tripod, they say: add a motion to it. When it was shot from the slider or steadicam, they don’t like this movement and ask to use tripod.

All this is very strange, and the question is, do the reviewers have enough skill in video-world, or they make their decisions without having this skill? Do they know, what modern advertisement (Cannes Lions for example) made of? There are no tripod shots with 100% pixeled focus - video is not a photo and it has another laws… if they know it, I don’t understand this 4-5% acceptance rates and rejection a lot of well-actioned clips, especially after my 85-100% acceptance rate in 2013-2015…

For example this clip , which has earned more than 4000$ on other marketplaces was rejected on Videohive for 7 (!) times. After it was approved it starts to sell on Videohive also. And there are dozens of another examples.

As I see situation on main stocks from the authors side, there are times, when market decides to be very restricted with acceptance. Too very I mean :slight_smile: of course we don’t talk about any kind of amateur and not proffecionally made clips-of course not about it) for many years it was Getty, and than they have changed their policy, then it become Pond5, and they also changed their view, rejecting only clips that are totally out of the market: with no sense, no idea, not in focus on main subject parts of the footage). But not rejecting without any reason…

And those - 40 days of pending time… There are no markets with such a long review time… It’s not very important - because anyway all the batches will be rejected.

Anyway - I hope for the best, and hope that we could find a solution. Envato was the first stock I started thinking about this work as about business (because, when you are sure that most of your clips will be quickly downloaded - you can calculate the pre-pro-and postproduction sides…

So… I hope the situation can and will change…


Long review time and many good footages rejected.


Acceptance of the footage is very long.


+1 very long


I don’t know why there are so long review time, it’s a pity but not so big as when I see that all my works were rejected!


I just started selling footage this summer, but already faced this issue - none of my videos uploaded in August were reviewed so far. Eager to see the acceptance rate…


+1 Long review time and many quality footages rejected.


Hello, I agree with authors.

Our cooperation continues only 4 months. And I see the huge growth of sales.
Quality of my work can be seen in my portfolio, I put the idea and heart and soul in each clip. I spend a lot of time that to create it. An art component too at the high level. I earn 300 dollars a month in the presence of 293 personnel. We together earn. Earlier 90% of refusals were better with the statement, now. Why? A beautiful personnel in which there is everything coolly are removed. It sincerely grieves me to understand it. I hope that you will hear us and you will be more loyal to our creativity. As, we trust in ENVANTO. Also we ask to hear us!
With respect for PTITSA.