Song Preview and Download not working?

Hey guys. Wondering if you all have had issues with your items recently? A customer emailed me about my this track not loading the preview and unable to download the watermarked version.

When I initially checked, it didn’t work for me either. I tried on Safari, Chrome, multiple devices, and cleared cache and cookies, but still could’t get it to work. I contacted support and they said to do what I just previously did, so that didn’t help.

Today, the item seems to work fine. But now the same problem is happening to this track.

Have you guys heard complaints recently about this? Wondering if this is a bug on the site or not.

Let me know if you all are seeing the same problem on the last track I am referring to.


I just checked both files, they’re fine. I was able to download the preview file as well (in chrome and explorer, signed it and out too).

Yeah I just checked again, and it seems to be working.
It had this issue all day, and only now resolved.

I hope the problem doesn’t jump to another track like it did today.

I’ll keep this thread open incase anyone else has items that aren’t working.