Many preview tracks will not play on the site

I am looking for tracks to use in my project but I am becoming exceedingly frustrated. About half the tracks I want to listen to simply won’t play.

I just get an endless green spinning wheel of death. IS this common? It makes it very hard to license tracks.


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Hi @David_Lowey,

I’ve had a look and so far all the preview tracks are playing okay for me. Can you provide a link to one that doesn’t play for you? Do the same previews consistently fail, or do they work intermittently?


Hello @rosssimpson, I have the same problem too. I cannot listen to music. The same problem like dave, it happens on different browsers, different laptops, different selections,…very strange


Why do you have a normal and most people including me have this problem, preview tracks have always been and still are with problems listening to and it does not depend on your browser, can you explain what may be the reason for this long loading?

this is due to the bruiser, I have noticed this very often before, especially for some reason it is buggy on Chrome.
you need to try using a different browser.
good luck.