[Soft Rejection] "Theme-bundle all resources and libraries.."

Hello everyone!

We’ve just got our theme soft rejected with a message I’ve never seen before and can’t find anywhere on the forums:

Theme-bundle all resources and libraries, don’t use CDN’s or your own hosting unless this is an option integrated feature and user is able to switch the library source.

The only thing that comes to my mind is the Google Font Library but I don’t think that could be the source of the problem. Did anyone face a similar reviewer message? If so, what was it all about?

Kind Regards,

It had been mentioned before in this topic [Soft reject] I need help with enqueue scripts

Hi there,

I have of course seen that thread but as you can read:

Theme-bundle all resources and libraries, don’t use CDN’s or your own hosting unless this is an option integrated feature and user is able to switch the library source. All scripts and styles should be added from functions file and hooked with wp_enqueue_*, don’t hardcode them.
Private Drop • Droplr

I am okay with the first part of the message, but the second one I am not sure about it because I enqueue some scripts in the admin page using this function13 my question is, Is that up to themeforest standers ?

In the link provided, you can see that the person has a hard coded link to his/her CDN. I don’t use anything like that anywhere in my theme’s code and the theme does not rely on any libraries from outside the theme folder itself.

I’d truly appreciate any information in this matter.

Kind Regards,