Hi, there is a big problem on envato elements.
When i search item from for example “video templates”, the search engine is blocked to page 50…
Why ???
Its looking fine to me
My opinion try again or changed browser.
He is talking about this:
You have as result 2130 items and there are 24 items per page, so there should be 89 pages, but it is limited to 50 pages.
Yes that’s true i saw. okay we can wait for @BenLeong reply hope he will reply with best answer.
Hi @kevinlemagnifique. Our developers have confirmed that the deep pagination limit is intentional, and done to reduce strain on our infrastructure. If you look at other large search engines, you’ll see that they also do this (for example, Google searches tend to cap out at around 30 pages).
The total number of items in the search will still be accurate (e.g. 2,130 for the Presentation example above). In order to view items that appear more than 50 pages into the results, you should add filters or additional search terms to refine your search further.
I can understand the intentional limit to 50 pages for general search results, but why couldn’t you let to show all items on author’s page? You are actually intentionally limiting authors in their potential sales, as I for example would love to get all assets from sertain authours but it cannot be done technicaly because of your limits.
Could you please ask the developers regarding the author’s page total assets listings - maybe they can make it only for author’s pages without damaging the infrastructure.
Скачать 3D-визуализации - Envato Elements - this is last page of 3d category
48 elements on each of 50 pages - its 2400 3d models.
In main page Envato Elements: неограниченные стоковые видеоролики, музыка, фотографии и графика you write 100 000+ 3d element. Where is 97600 elements??
Your answer was in Jan 19, now Jan 2022 - in 3 years you dont fix pagination? Can you show 200 pages (like freepik), but not only 50?
In 3d models it there some info about file format, textures?
It’s intentional, and done to reduce strain on Envato’s infrastructure, so there’s no plan to fix it. Can you not improve your search results by adding some search terms?
Ok, but what about 3d? If I need 3d model of apple only in .blenber or .c4d format, how can I find it? Is there some filters?
There’s only 5 pages of results for ‘apples’ in the 3D category on Envato Elements.
Its not about pages. If I need only .blender format (not 3ds max, maya, cinema4d, or other 3d soft), how can I filter them? Or I need to download all 240 apples to find is there apples in .blender format?
There are no 3D models currently available to download on Envato Elements. All items in the 3D category are 3D objects within the page that can be manipulated to find the angle you want, and then they can be exported as a still image.
Now it´s 2024, and the deep pagination limitation is still not resolved.
Can´t you solve this? Every time I search assets on any site I like to search beyond the most popular ones.