Sales dropped more than 50% in 2022

Hello everyone,

This year seems like a very bad start for Envato! The sales dropped more than 50% than last year and 2020.

It’s been like more than a year with this huge drop and Envato didn’t even comment about it.

What do you guys think the reason is? How we can avoid such drops?


I guess it’s connected with post-holidays period. Even though it’s about 20’s of January, the majority of video, marketing agencies and production studios haven’t gotten some orders yet. Like, people haven’t quit from vacations etc. I think, in the end of January/in the beginning of February the amount of sales will increase. :grin:


Same here -50% in sales. It feels like they have cut their marketing. Sometimes you get 3says in one day, sometimes almost 3 weeks no sales. But when sales happen everyone in the same directory shares it.

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I can confirm sales are pretty low currently. Not sure about what’s happening. However, Sales will eventually increase next month (I hope :grin:).


Yes, I think Envato is playing with marketing, sometimes a day full of sales, then few days weak sales.

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A bigger reason for this is envato elements.


I am author so I don’t think it should get effect by elements.

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I think the pandemic, mass quarantine is affecting all trade :mask:


It may be an overcrowded market.

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Everything went down after the hypothetical experiment. Starting from March 25th of last year.


I dont use envato anymore this often, since previews stucks nearby in 70% of cases.

As far as I am concerned, you are lucky to be in business, given the restrictions that we have had to endure. I walk a lot. I am 78. I have never known so many business just close down because of the current COVID restrictions. In fact, it could be stated that the amount of viable businesses that have closed down, is a disease in itself. Just keep going on. You provide an excellent service. Would it help if I put in a good word in my little videos that I make, that the source of the images and videos come from Envato? Would like to do it. Take care, Grandma Alex



varför frågar du inte dig själv, att ni är själva som säljare och utveklare har gjort att leda till minska försälningen för allt job ni har gjort, ni leverar inte det som det ska och klagar också att försälningen har minskat, ni måste tänk på att ni har support men de gör inte tillräkligt att dina kunder nöjda. jag skulle köpa så många php script på den här marknaden men jag är så missnöjd med många av er jag skulle inte köpt något från början heller. just nu få man ingeting när man frågar fast det är ni som har gjort fel på updateringarna och andra sakar, men vi måsta betala allt det här, jag själv rekommenderar ej att man ska köpa här något.
hoppas att ni ska tänkar lite mer om hur ni tar hand om dina kunder, läg vid sidan hur försälningen går till, det går bättre men om ni gör eran bäst om du inte gör! tjänar du det du värd.
en missnöjd kund

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I meant they are focusing on elements more, promoting elements more and having a banner for elements just above your product in codecanyon hinders the sales.

shifting to Adobe stock, one of the reasons. It’s integrated with their popular software lineups.


Same here. Hope the Sales will be better from February.

Well, the hope dies the last. They say… We had more than half of the year to see impact and recovery. Yet I am afraid things will remain the same as it is, or will get worse.

Yes, an earie silence these past several weeks. A combination of new year, omicron and yes, the over saturated market.

Its because of poor marketing and rejecting good authors work and approving poor quality products.
Thats why we have switched to other platform


Dont let frustration speak, it’s bad for business. Quality work is approved every day. You should consider working harder on your products.

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