Total silence this has been happening since Colis left… since than authors do no matter, probably they strictly said not to write on forums… don’t you know that we are all slaves here and what we say is exactly nothing?
I bet my life what they are doing is not legal… I will ask a fried that is a lawer about this is starting to p… me off!
There is no competative site/market at this time.
All markets are subscription based model. Statment like hey authors should not go to elements is not on spot. As soon as they launched Elements they started to advertise it with banners and money from main market and it was matter of time when every author would jump in to earn extra cash.
Nobady cant blame authors for desire to earn more money on this new market. At the beginning of Elements income on the market was not perfect but it was steady and way better than today. Today we have what we have, ups and downs with very low income, it is now more as a tool for upload system for Elements rather then what it should be, a Market, and it is certain that it wont last long this way.
Its easier to be said than done. People wont leave this market just like that without better alternative. Those who had better options, they left. People who are running this business are aware of this situation, they are not dumb. The question is always why this happend to the best market in the world? Lots of maybe’s , and one of them is that maybe someone wanted to crush this market a bit so that others can have piece of pie from this type of business.
Just think, u pay 16$ and have unlimited download for a month, download every single quality product that u could find on that market and never come back again. Like some coupon in the supermarket, u pay once and take all the food you find in supermarket and bring it home. How this can be a good business decission? Some CEO was not awere of this.
Bottom line, we need new selling market with tendencies that portion of fees would be used for advertising and promotion of that same market and we are back on track.
Show me that market and Im in like maybe 70% rest of the authors.
There are many subscription models available, but most of them focus on stock photos, videos, or presentations. While these assets may sell well, the same doesn’t apply to themes or code, which require significant effort, money, and time to create (not to imply that producing stock videos or photos is easy). When developing themes or code, we have to continuously release updates to accommodate changes in browsers or server languages. Additionally, we provide support for installation and compatibility across multiple environments, which incurs additional costs. This entire process is ongoing when developing a theme or code product.
Already, the products we sell on platforms like Codecanyon or ThemeForest have impacted the market. When a firm issues an invoice for custom development, clients often compare it to similar projects available for much lower prices on these platforms, leading them to question why they should pay more for custom work. In a way, this is a curse for developers—we are dealing with the consequences of a devalued market.
Recently, Envato has been pressuring authors like myself to sign up for their subscription model, Elements, particularly when sales are low. In a communication with Envato support, I was told that subscriptions are now their main focus. It’s the silence of the authors that allows them to get away with this. But what would happen if authors united and exposed how Envato is pushing them into this model? Would anyone with a conscience still buy from Elements?
If Envato’s shift to subscriptions was triggered by competition, then why not address the numerous sites offering nulled versions of themes and scripts? Why not just give everything away for free at that point? Envato is heading for trouble. No author will forget or forgive the harm they’ve caused. Elements will collapse eventually, because nothing can thrive when it’s built on the backs of those who are being exploited.
While Elements is our top priority we continue to invest in Market and spend on marketing. The market for stock continues to shift and there’s definitely more competition now and more authors, but we’d absolutely love to increase sales for everyone.
Selling ThemeForest and CodeCanyon products with a sharing model and paying $16 to access them all has made them worthless! While, for example, it takes 6 to 12 months for a developer team to develop a quality WordPress template!
Elements has drastically reduced the income of developers. Therefore, there is no more desire and justification for high-quality products!
It does not make any sense what you guys are doing right now, how can you try to push a developer to sell on a subscription model? This is too much, does the new CEO has any clue how support works and how long it takes to develop a good plugin or theme?
Why are you committed to killing this place this is what I don’t understand. I literally don’t understand. It is like having a gold mine with workers and you want to close it because you want a gold mine that mines itself, that does not exist!
I said it from day one Element will destroy this place, I was right so far and now it is on the road to destroy itself.
Maybe the new CEO read this… even now if the banner is removed and adds some balance to the marketplace everything will thrive, including the precious Elements!
Why are other authors not here to contribute to this topic?! Please invite others to give their opinion. Especially authors to contribute to the Elements. What is their opinion?!
What kind of priority is that? You’re using our assets to make money. Elements might be a valuable asset for you, but not for us developers. Aren’t you ashamed of profiting this way? You can do whatever you want with Elements, but at least have the decency to remove the Elements banner from the marketplaces if you feel any shame about your actions.
When authors submit a product, you put it through a lengthy review process. What kind of review did you conduct before implementing a subscription-based model? Did you even consult the authors? In the digital world, platforms like Netflix and others pay a large sum to acquire assets and own the rights. What rights did you acquire to sell our work to AI companies?
There are countless questions that could lead to a legal case, and it will be a bad omen if it comes to that.
Many people are hesitant to share their thoughts on the forum, fearing they might be shadow-banned or face worse consequences. Like me, for example—I’m using a new account instead of responding from my original one. I recommend everyone use a VPN or Tor, create a new account, and share your concerns here.
I came across a discord group discussing the creation of a new marketplace, and I noticed many power elite authors were part of that conversation. None of them are happy with what Envato is doing. We all know how demanding the process is to develop products for ThemeForest and CodeCanyon, but Envato doesn’t seem to care. What kind of world are we living in? Don’t they realize that even major brands like Facebook and Samsung have lost legal battles against ordinary consumers? Do they think there will be no consequences for their actions, especially considering the many legal issues involved with using others’ assets? Authors are worried about what might happen to their existing sales, and that fear is exactly why Envato is exploiting the situation even further
They’ve stopped marketing for Envato Market. According to their own words, we now have to promote our own products while still giving them a commission. Just check their social media updates or see if the Google ads that used to show up when you searched for your product are still there. Everything points to one thing: they’ll likely shut down Envato Market just like they did with Envato Studio. Meanwhile, some of us authors will continue to move to Elements, giving them what they want for practically nothing.
Friend, if you keep posting in this forum with your real username, you’ll likely get shadow banned or face some kind of backlash. They’ve stopped marketing and are now pushing the Envato Elements banner right below the ‘Buy Now’ section. If customers see they can get unlimited downloads for a fraction of the price, why would they bother buying your theme?
I believe I have stated that you were using “puppet” account somewhere on the forum. As the rest of the authors, if you follow the Envato forum policy, you’re free to express yourself here.
As I’m posting here and over there while criticizing their “approach” to gain advantage for all of us, it’s just you who’s afraid of to lose something I don’t know why.
If you believe this statement, you have nothing to lose. You can show your “real” account. Not many people reads what you’re sharing on the forum anyway…