Review steps

I noticed that a badge appeared in my dashboard when i upload an Item. It seems that the work goes in a review queue.
What does it happen when it disappears ? I don’t see my work published yet.

If it’s gone from your profile then it’s been hard rejected.

Make sure you have email notifications turned on in your profile.

You can share demos here for feedback.

Thank for your answer.
I can’t share a demo, it is a script.
This is the description of the work

The CRUD Code Generator is a Php preprocessor that generates source code of CRUD Web Application starting from php boilerplates.
You can edit boilerplates thorugh your preferred php editor and you can model your CRUD entities through a configuration json file.
In this first version I supply only 1 template that provide boilerplates of an Angular / Laravel SPA application so taht you can generate source code of an Angular / Laravel SPA application.
In the configuration json file you must specify all the CRUD entities or rather database tables that you want to generate.
For each entity will be generated Angular components and Laravel Restful Apis that you should merge with you Angular and Laravel projects.
The preprocessor cames with tools like a GUI and a command line script to do the work.
The tools contain a parser that assists you in the compilation of the configuration json file and it provides an example.
Install and usage are in README file.
Here a Git repository of the Angular / Laravel boilerplates
Enjoy !

Probably the idea is not good enough ?
If it is Hard Rejected I don’t think thiere is a quality problem.