Laravel API and Crud Generator Hard Reject

I received a hard rejection for my Laravel project. Can anyone help me understand the reasons behind this rejection?

Here is the demo link for my script:
Password: 123456


is there any reason mention with the rejection and did u present the project well and document it well

here is the reason
“Thank you for your submission. We have completed our review of “DoBuilder - Laravel API and CRUD Generator” and unfortunately we found it isn’t at the quality standard required to move forward, and you won’t be able to re-submit this item again.”

yes documnted and presented well

kindly look for same application on codecayon and see how the author make the presentation and as many features they add and yes look for a better way to improve your own better than that with the documentation and don’t copy others

you can also make another UI or make multiple UI and change the name make.sure u read the documentation of how to present your file what to do and what u mustn’t

some useful guild line

I saw the app. It has no heading and I think there are some lackings presenting what is the website about. That means, if a person first time comes here, it is hard to understand the topic. So I think you can focus on some places with good user experience.