I saw Envato Elements describe monthly service fee as 14.50 Euros per month on the Pricing page
( https://elements.envato.com/pricing ). You may check the page.
However, I was automatically charged for an annual subsription which costs 208.8 Euros.
My intent was to get a monthly subscription but the I have been charged the whole year’s amount without even asking for confirmation.
I wish to cancel the transaction since it wasn’t transparent.
I will think of getting a monthly membership if the amount is refunded (with hopes of getting correctly charged of course).
What do you mean do not download anything meanwhile?
I was submitting my card’s details and agreed for charge for monthly fee for the single reason: I needed to use these assets the very moment I was making order.
Unfortunately my page was refreshed before I hit Submit and and the checkbox was “misteriously” set to annual. I realized this fact only after the payment was submitted. You can check if it is true if you try open subscription page, set to monthly and then hit refresh page. This is very wrong, and I would kindly ask the support to cancel my annual subscription and switch me to a monthly instead. I Immediately contacted support and it is already three days and no one contacted me back.
Of course while this is being sorted out I should be able to use what I’ve paid for.
You can’t switch subscription types, so for your issue to be resolved, you’d need to get a refund for the annual subscription, and then use the funds to subscribe to the monthly subscription.
As a result, while you should be able to use something you’ve paid for, you shouldn’t really be able to use something you intend to get a refund for… which at that point will mean you’ve not paid for it. Don’t download anything, contact support and hopefully they can help.