Why allow problems like the Better-Studio Publisher Theme? Who buys, ends up having loss, since the subject is no longer available. The same happens with the MEC! What is the situation of the customers who paid for these products?
Do you know why the Theme is not longer available? What is with the Customers?
Will Better Themes continue to work on the theme and provide updates?
Publisher - Newspaper
Modern Events Calendar
item is no longer available
Yes, big problem and no way to reach the author.
Also no information from themeforest.
And neither Envato’s staff nor the authors give us an explanation. It is understood that we do not have the slightest guarantee on the products we buy!
I reached out the author here: http://community.betterstudio.com/supports/support/themes-support/publisher-support/
In the forum they say they will be back soon and “Please wait and be patient. Meanwhile, we are working on the new version of Publisher and it will be released and after activating Publisher.”
Seems that there is just some review from themeforest going on that is taking a bit longer.
Here is a very useful article explaining why items are removed from time to time and what to do in this case:
I believe he will not come back …
The problem is that Envato sells, you probably get paid for it, but those who buy have no guarantee whatsoever. For example: If a product is bugged, the client should be refunded, but that is not the case. There are more than 8,000 customers who end up having a product with various problems … The company could create some way to reimburse the customer in cases like this …
Sorry my ENglish by Google
The MEC plugin suddenly disappeared with no explanation. There is also no explanation on the publisher’s website. In fact, if you click the ‘Buy Now’ button on the publisher’s website, you get redirected to the plugin page on Code Canyon which informs you the item is no longer available.
Assuming the publisher will continue to sell the plugin, does this mean I will need to buy it AGAIN from the publisher to receive updates going forward?