Please feedback my new theme for themeforest HTML5 site template categories

Here is my new theme i have been created: new-theme

This is just the early stage of my theme. I want to know am i in a right track?

Please provide me your feedback what i should improve and what i have been done wrong in order to get approve for my theme.
your feedback is highly appreciated.

i) is my typography ok?
ii) is my spacing between each element ok?
iii) please give me your feedback of what you think of.

Anyone help please. :cry:

Patterned background is very distracting

Typography needs a lot of work throughout

The center circle in the middle of projects needs rethinking

you need to look at the fundamentals like margins, spacing and padding throughout

Needs proper header and footer etc

Thanks for reply charlie,
for typography i’m using
’Lato’, sans-serif
’Raleway’, sans-serif
’Crete Round’, serif

Did you mean that my typography for heading, sub heading, content need to differentiate clearly?
when user have a 1st look they will clearly differentiate it out.
is this ur meaning?

It;s not just the font choices it is about consistency, hierarchy and typographic layout e.g. the main slider - the main title font is not really strong enough then the spacing between that and the subtitle is far too wide.

The typography in the projects circle thing needs to have much more emphasis and stand out properly

The blog/projects are the same king of content just slightly different layout ad these need distinguishing more also

On the blog previews spacing and padding all need work and fonts need to distinguish titles more

There is no nav? the dot nav is not clear enough and should at least have tool tips

the main at the top has scroll arrows but no movement or function

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Millions Thanks Charlie.
Your feedback is very usefull to me. :grinning:

no worries - it’s easier to give more constructive feedback when its more complete so share it again once you have added to it

looks cool…nice job. keep it up :slight_smile:

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Thanks will share it once complete. :blush:

Hi Charlie,

I have create an one page.
new-theme-clean2 and new-theme-dark2 design does not fully based on Fullpage js. I wish to know what is your opinion on above two links?

It seem to me does not have strong visual hierarchy. Do you agree?
what should i improve? images? typography or arrangement of the section?

Best Regards