PDF in the zip - a discussion before making AJ Community Guide #4

Looks good :slight_smile:

However I have seen that after adding info about proper broadcast license audience size, my number of broadcast licenses sales has increased. I have even seen some clients buying another, proper license after downloading my zip.

Just like here.

:sunglasses: I was going to add that, but was hesitant, just in case envato elements decided to add broadcast licenses. Updating all pdf in the zip files again is lots of work. But seeing that you have increased your broadcast license sales, it maybe worth the risk. Here the new version: Envato TEMPLATE Song Information - AllenGrey w broadcast explanation.pdf - Google Drive

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What about the leads already in the portfolio?
Redo new changes, then?
How do I do this?

Here is the link of the file as word document, just download the file and edit all hyperlinks and yellow highlights then save as pdf: Song Name by Author - information (template).docx - Google Docs



Thank you !!:wink: