Options for wrongfully purchase template (licences) to be sold at a reduced price

Good day

I trust you are well, I thought I should take the time to write this email in the hope that you can help people like myself and any other client
that comes to purchase themes from this platform.

It is with sadness that I have to state that some of the support forums you have promised do not deliver as promised – and when you tell them this
they send you a redundant link and say well there you go – after you have gone through several attempts to read and try to put together and piece together the video or whatever they just hurl at you. You are left with more problems that when you started.

When you request for a refund in the hope that you can find another template they of course refuse – which to some extent is fine and highly understandable but I think two things should happen

  1. You should have a market open for those who want to resell their wrongfully purchased themes – where one can sell a theme (licence) at a discounted rate – in the hopes that they can atleast claim some credit back to their account
  2. Support should be really the same – at some levels – you have theme providers who go as far as to upload the demo pages for you and at some you have people who simply do not want to deliver the service they promised.

This is both bringing a seriously bad reputation to you and your brand – and of course you avoid purchasing from that provider ever – you will never – but the provider can simply leave your stable and find another selling platform.
The template selling industry has grown and other providers are indeed providing service a bit better than you just to take over the market. If you do not look into this you will soon find a large chunk of your market gone to other suppliers
just because of one author.

I hope that this can help you better your service and I hope that it is received in the spirit that it is written in to both help and build your brand.
Thanks – I am disappointed with one of your providers whom I don’t think its necessary to mention their name.

Their service was lacking and their return time was poor and when they responded they left you more wondering and gave you the same thing that they gave you before.
That is simply not support!!!

From a highly disappointed frequent purchaser!

PS: Think around the box!