Purchased Template does not Install - Autor Unresponsive

I purchased a template for $49 which has errors on installation. I followed the directions and tried communicating with the author on their site, creating a ticket and displaying the error message received. Rather than communicate, the author pulled the website. It can’t be used and the author has my money. Do I go to Paypal and indicate that I’ve been scammed or can Themeforest intervene and process the refund without filing a complaint through Paypal?

Anyone else have this experience?

To request a refund please follow instructions from this article. If you go through PayPal then it can lock your account on Envato.
Possible reason that item is temporarily removed, as it says on that screenshot, is that author wants to update that template.

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There can be many different reasons why themes are no longer available and it doesn’t always mean you got scammed. @kodeforest is an elite author, and there may have been good reasons why there was an issue resulting in that particular theme being withdrawn.

Email the author on:

And ask what has happened. I’m sure they will want to assist you without having to instantly claim a refund.

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I actually did so. Twice. With no reply after creating a ticket, twice, asking for assistance.

If they lock my account, it will be a loss to other sellers. I can take my business elsewhere.

If you have opened a ticket (or several) then you will get a reply asap - given it’s a weekend it may take a few days. This is the only team who can help resolve your situation.

Opening multiple tickets can actually slow the process down

Locking accounts when payments are disputed are part of the T&Cs people agree to when purchasing items - it’s common practice to prevent or limit fraud while a situation is investigated.