I facing the same experience.
Evanto must review store/vendor that have bad support
Please open an Envato Customer support Help ticket and report them directly. Envato Customer support team will be happy to check it with the author.
I purchased Noor from Evanto. Every 4th or 5th time I update the theme, it has bugs and requires a tech from Noor to fix it. This has been going on since the first few months of ownership. Every time it happens, since 2018, it keeps getting harder and harder to get somebody to fix their update bugs! So far I have not been able to get in contact with anyone to fix their defective update! I am retired and simply do this for a hobby now, therefore I have nothing better to do than cancel culture Noor and Evanto to death all day and all night for the rest of my life, until the bug is fixed! Mark Holcomb