No news about my submitted theme

I posted my first theme in Theme Forest on 07.28.2023 and I have absolutely no news about this submission. Is it normal? I don’t have the slightest clue that I have even posted something…
I thought submissions would have been more professional.
Could someone help me?

Thanks for the fast answer and the good tip :wink:
Email notifications were turned down.
Is there any way to know the reasons why it was had rejected and/or access notifications that I missed?

Unfortunately for hard rejects from what I know there is no way to know the reason because there are too many issues is not just one or a few.

Wow! Pretty hard! :flushed:

I know, this are the rules on this platform…

You’d probably get the generic rejection message. If you share your demo link, we could check the details.

That would be great! Thanks a lot.
Here is the demo link: JustApp myCoach Demo – Creative App Landing WordPress Theme

We tried to do a neat job.
And we are so curious to learn what went wrong…

Maybe 4-5 years ago, you’d be able to get the approval for this project but the design is not good enough for now. ( apart from design issues such as spacing