My account stagnates, last sale was 20 days ago. Tell me what can i do. Google adwords, or something?
- Create and upload new music every week
- Improve the quality and adequation of that music
- Repeat 1 & 2 until forever
Or get a real day job and spend the money that you make here on new instruments
Your average is three sales a month since your first upload, so instances of one, two, three, four or five sales a month isnt all that crazy when it comes to natural variance in sales.
All I can really advise would be to make more items, make better items, check your keywords and titles are the best they can be and there’s nothing wrong with considering promoting your work on social media.
You can invest in adwords, but not sure it would be worth the money at this stage. 300 sales becoming 400 sales might be worth the outlay, but the income you get from even a 50% increase in sales on a three a month average, might not cover the cost.
New Items = New Sales. As Simple As That. Good luck.
Make more your best items mate. You will get better sale with over 50 items. Good luck
Work Harder
Work Harder
Work Harder
and be brave!
your music sounds really good! so I think you should only write and upload new tracks more and more) good luck!
some of us are making better items and its the best we can do, can do no better, yet sales still low. some of us dont want to spend 8 hours a day on an new items or more to get just few sales a year. some time ago, something happen here and sales nose dived across all boards but shh, lets all ignore that and tell us to work longer and harder. envato major fail.
Has Envato gone from a happy go lucky platform to spring board new and experienced authors, to a greedy masonic , i dont care attitude corperation. they even removed a harmless remark about CNN (cia). i think the masons are here
8 items is a very small portfolio. You must have at least 100 items to make minimum 1 sale a day. As for me, I’d prefer to create sound effect or logo in case of low inspiration or no ideas for 19$-track. It’s a genuine fun to find cool sounds and combine 2-3 of these into new sound!
Hahaha! Yes! and, also, mormons and Russin Mafia!!!
My advice/reply was specific to the OP… your reason for low sales may be very different to the OP’s. And although making more items and making better items is likely to result in more sales for everyone… if spending 8 hours a day, every day, only results in a few sales a year, and you’re doing your very best, then it might be best to call it a day.
As for a nosedive in sales… I’ve not experienced one. From the forums it’s clear that many have, but still a very small percentage of the author community. Well, a very small percentage that have been vocal about it. It could just be them, it could be 50/50, it could be the majority… hard to tell without hard and fast stats. If there was a thread for people who are experiencing more sales this year than they did last year… I wonder if there would be just as many respondents? You never know.
Thank you!
Thank you guys! I wish you all the best for your upcoming sales and a successful week!