New watermark for Video item previews

Hi all!

We have updated the Author Help Centre with a link to the new Video watermark, for use in Motion Graphics and Stock Footage. You can access the new files from our Item Presentation Requirements article in the Author Help Centre:

We’ve also updated the watermark ZIP to contain some more versions and formats - it now includes transparent PNG and SVG logos ready to drop into landscape and vertical videos, from standard 1920x1080 resolution all the way up to 8K.

You can begin using these in your video item previews immediately. Any video item submissions and resubmissions after August 14, 2024 may be rejected if the older logo is used.

Note that apart from using the new logo, other item requirements for Video have not changed. If you have any questions about these, please let me know in this thread, and I’ll find some answers for you :slight_smile:



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Hi Ben. Can you please give us a link to download a new brand envato logo in high quality, to use it in our preview videos (AE templates and others.) Thanks!

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Hi @Madness_Pro. What format would work best for those previews? The Video Watermarks folder already has the logo in vector (SVG) format.

Or do you mean just the envato icon on its own?

I think there’s a Brand Assets page on the way, for all other media / affiliate / author logo needs. I’ll see how far off that one is, as we’d like to get the new logo out into circulation as fast as we can once the public launch happens.

If possible in AI and colorfull (green and white, green and black). Those logos in water mark are gray =)


Hi, BenLeong, I am looking too the ai file for brand new envato logo to use in my project. I mean branding guideline.

Thanks for the update!

Could you please provide a link to download the new Envato logo in high quality, specifically in AI format and in the colorful versions (green and white, green and black)? The current watermarks are gray, so having the logo in these colors would be very helpful for our preview videos.


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Hello @BenLeong, do I have to put the new watermark logo on my motion graphics preview or does Envato auto put the watermark on the preview videos? Is it okay if I upload it like I used to? Thank you.