New Watermark for Stock Footage and Motion Graphics

Hello everyone!

I’m writing today to announce the latest iteration of the VideoHive Stock Footage & Motion Graphics watermark.

The existing watermark has served us well for many years, but with the growing number of Stock Video submissions we quickly realized our watermark was not ideal for all situations. The existing watermark didn’t work so well when placed over the top of light colored or bright footage. We have always allowed authors to invert the watermark in these cases, but there’s never been clear instructions about how and when the inverted watermark should be used and what the acceptable tolerance level is.

The new watermark should remedy this, allowing for one standardized watermark to be used for all situations. The new watermark will remain visible for both light, and dark videos. A small example can be seen below.

The new watermark can be downloaded via watermarking instructions article and can be used immediately. Starting August 25, 2014, this new watermark will be required for all Stock Footage and Motion Graphic submissions. Any files not using the new watermark on or after that date will be soft-rejected and asked to use the new watermark instead.

Thanks for understanding and for your cooperation!

Thanks Envato team, it’s really good news!
New watermark would be useful for many users.

Cool! Hopefully there will be no more need for inverting, tweaking, adjusting and wasting time on watermark :slight_smile:

Now, the next step should be [using my puppy eyes :smiley: ] automatic watermarking. :wink:

Just don’t go changing the logo. :slight_smile:

If you could have provided the link to the watermark download page it could have been more helpful. I’m trying to find it from past 1 hour. If somebody found it please share the link here.

It is actually the first result on google for “videohive watermark” so I have no idea what you have done the past hour :smiley:

Creattive said

It is actually the first result on google for “videohive watermark” so I have no idea what you have done the past hour :smiley:

Thank you dude. I was searching manually without the help of google. May bad…

VProxy said

If you could have provided the link to the watermark download page it could have been more helpful. I’m trying to find it from past 1 hour. If somebody found it please share the link here.

One minute of search…

Edit: Upps… too late :slight_smile:

Thanks for pointing that out guys, got the original post updated to include a link to the page where the watermark is hosted.

Dear Mark,

This is really good news, having a single Watermark that works well for both light (translucent) and dark stock footage.

But i still think Videohive could learn from Photodune in making the watermark with white line marks that cover the whole sections of the image, (to stop cheap thieves from using, part of your video (i.e the top left corner).

Like below:

MarkBrodhuber said

Hello everyone!

I’m writing today to announce the latest iteration of the VideoHive Stock Footage & Motion Graphics watermark.

The existing watermark has served us well for many years, but with the growing number of Stock Video submissions we quickly realized our watermark was not ideal for all situations. The existing watermark didn’t work so well when placed over the top of light colored or bright footage. We have always allowed authors to invert the watermark in these cases, but there’s never been clear instructions about how and when the inverted watermark should be used and what the acceptable tolerance level is.

The new watermark should remedy this, allowing for one standardized watermark to be used for all situations. The new watermark will remain visible for both light, and dark videos. A small example can be seen below.

The new watermark can be downloaded via watermarking instructions article and can be used immediately. Starting August 25, 2014, this new watermark will be required for all Stock Footage and Motion Graphic submissions. Any files not using the new watermark on or after that date will be soft-rejected and asked to use the new watermark instead.

Thanks for understanding and for your cooperation!


I just uploaded total of 9 stockfootages and they are in the queue but I used the old watermark amd I just saw this thread in forums. I am wondering if my items will be rejected because I used the old watermark??

Kind Regards

Volkan Kutlubay

Hey Volkan,

Using the new watermark is optional until August 24th. Starting the 25th, we’ll be requiring it so for the time being your files will not be rejected for using the incorrect watermark. You might as well start using the new watermark for any future submissions though :).

MarkBrodhuber said

Hey Volkan,

Using the new watermark is optional until August 24th. Starting the 25th, we’ll be requiring it so for the time being your files will not be rejected for using the incorrect watermark. You might as well start using the new watermark for any future submissions though :).

Ah Great! Thank You So Much For The Quick Reply! That’s such a relief. The new watermark is really cool tough much more useful than the previous one! I will definetly use the new watermark from now on.

Kind Regards

Volkan Kutlubay

I believe that Videohive should, as EVERY stock site out there, make an engine for automatically embedding the watermark on preview, and also making the .flv file, and the thumbs… Preparing the files for you is so time consuming, that sometimes I believe to be mad to do it…

And only 15 keywords??? Why only 15?

Actually. Speaking of Watermarks,. (and paraphrasing Bo_Maroon)

Why is Envato even making new watermarks at all …?

Envato is the ONLY stock marketplace i know of that doesn’t automatically watermark an item upon upload. Surely the technology is there to do this, indeed, You’ve done it with AE items.

Can’t believe we’re still living in the days of resizing and tinkering with our watermarks.

Even my personal website has an applet that auto-watermarks visual content with a big ‘©’ when i upload stuff.

Perhaps there are disadvantages when using automatic overlay a watermark. In the case of audio it really is. Maybe a processing large amounts will take a lot of server resources…=)

Like I have said, it is not only the Watermark, but making the thumbnails also? Common… Really?And the zip file…

CyrilNikitin said

Perhaps there are disadvantages when using automatic overlay a watermark. In the case of audio it really is. Maybe a processing large amounts will take a lot of server resources…=)

I guess it depends on how the watermark is embedded. If it has to bake the watermark into the video, yeah it will take a lot of resources. If it’s embedded into the video player (and not the actual video file) then it shouldn’t be a problem. I guess since users are allowed to download a low res version, I guess it would have to be baked into the video.

But I agree with Panda-Bear, Envato is huge enough to the point where I think they should have the resources to be able to do this automatically. Manually inserting watermarks is kind of outdated and silly now, especially for a large and popular marketplace like VideoHive.

Hello! :slight_smile:
And I think it’s time for easing uploading of videos.
Automatic watermarking, automatic preview images and last but not least remove zip-archived files. All it takes valuable time in which I can shoot new videos.
Greetings! :slight_smile:

UglyduckBG said

Hello! :slight_smile:
And I think it’s time for easing uploading of videos.
Automatic watermarking, automatic preview images and last but not least remove zip-archived files. All it takes valuable time in which I can shoot new videos.
Greetings! :slight_smile:
