New old member needs help with being lost :-)

Hello everyone, happy Thursday (or whatever day it is when you’re reading this) :smiley:

Anyway, I created an author account on AJ ten (yes, 10) years ago, but then something happened in my life, and wasn’t active at all, never uploaded a single track if I remember correctly. Now that I’m back on track, spending days in my studio, I got into my account, tidied it up a bit, and would like to start uploading some music on regular basis, but I’m not sure how.

When I go to Dashboard / Upload your first item, on the next page where I need to select a category, I have no Music category at all. :nerd_face: Am I doing something wrong? I was so happy to start, but now I don’t understand what’s going on. Is it still possible to upload and sell music through AudioJungle, or something happened since my last visit?

I would really appreciate if someone would be so kind to help me around a bit.

Thank you so much in advance. :heart:

All the best to all of you,

Hi, welcome back.
I would contact support to see what is going on. It seems that currently no new authors for music are accepted but since you already had an account it is strange that you wouldn’t be able to upload.


Thank you very much, I’ll do that.

Hey there! Congrats and welcome back! :slight_smile:

About a yaer or so they asked all authors to perform and Id check, uploading some info and documentation. Maybe that’s the issue if you haven’t been around for a long time.

Here’s a guide on how to complete your Id Check.

Aside from that, as @CWMusic mentioned above, contacting support is a good idea.

Here’s what you should see when uploading a new track:

Best of luck!


And i think if you never uploaded a track then you can´t do it now.

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Thank you. Will look into it as well. Thanks! :grinning:

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