I think Envato should look at “Revamping” the out dated “search experience” for AudioJungle. I’m sure there is a way to incorporate some kind of Artificial Intelligence Algorithms that can better categories music into more specific criteria based search results. For example, what if AudioJungle customers could upload a music track they chose as a “reference track” and let’s say it’s a "Coldplay Song / “Sky Full Of Stars” . After uploading the search engine now finds tracks that are similar to this music based on “key of song”, “mood”, “instruments used” etc. What if it’s a “Youtube commercial’s soundtrack” the customer loves … what if they could just copy and paste the URL into a search engine and the algorithm finds music that is similar. I’m not an expert on this field by a long shot, but I do think Envato needs to entertain some of our ideas we generate amongst authors here on AudioJungle and do some feasibility studies to see what we can do to give AudioJungle an “EDGE” over the competition. Sales are DOWN so our ideas need to be turned way UP!!
So what’s your IDEA for helping improve the overall “User Experience” on AudioJungle ??
Thanks for sharing!
Wes Oliver