My Uncode theme I have been using all year is suddenly not working as it has been… I last uploaded a new portfolio a few weeks ago with images in the media gallery and all was fine. But now when attempting to do exactly the same thing it won’t let me upload images for a new portfolio! I was able to drag images into the media gallery but when going to save these changes it won’t get past that and move on to the next step. I click save changes and it won’t save them so when I go to post the new portfolio it comes up as a blank page on my website.
I can’t get a reply from the author as I haven’t paid for a new item support which I don’t need as I know how to use the functions. I’d be happy to pay for if that were the case and I needed advice on how to use the theme but it’s not. I just need them to fix whatever glitch is wrong with their system. I can’t even ask them to take a look at my faulty theme without paying which I think is unfair. My theme has been working all year and now it’s not so it’s something that they should fix without me having to pay for it…
Anyone have any advice on what is wrong and how to fix it? Otherwise I’ll have to cough up cash very unwillingly!