I need feedback before submitting to review.
There are tones of similar flyers already approved. You need to create something unique.
hi the problem is that you item is not uniform. Indeed, u have chosen quality picture and this is creating something interesting visually but at the same time, to be perfectly honest i do not see the guidelines between the pictures and the implied color tones and those of the rest of the flyer, not to mention that u have a real discrepancy between the outstanding pictures and colors from the pictures and the rather flat typo (not as modern as the architecture from the pictures), so that the typo and disposition, apart from not being perfect (there are things to say about these points, see below …) , they tend to flatten things more than any other thing. Let’s face it, titles are a bit flat and far from being really outstanding , not to mention that there is a misspelling , this is “elegant” , such a mistake in the text is not super important in a way - as this can be identified as a mistyping only - but has a huge impact of the feeling of professionalism or not resulting from the flyer … I turn out to consider the price, which is meant to be an essential information is not given the proper attention and impact and should pop out more indeed … besides, this take me to the next point … u are shifting on regular basis between left flag texts and centered ones and there is a bit of an issue to understand what is the logics behind this … for me there is also an issue of spacing disposition on some elements … whether we are considering the footer , or the white bullet with the logo and the text under … finally i might add that , in my opinion, @DesignSomething is right, there is a need to introduce something a bit fresh /original to bring some additional valued to this design and make it defer from the lots of already existing / approved items …
thanks a lot. you may live long
thanks , for this only god knows, i guess lol