My Plugin Item got hard rejected, Please advice!

I built new plugin and prepared a demo in:
user: manager
password: manager

And hard rejected. Envato said:

we found it isn’t at the quality standard required to move forward, and you won’t be able to re-submit this item again.

They didn’t said what exactly is lower at the quality standard. Please advice what is my quality issue then I will fix it.

what you plugin does exactly ?

It’s a POS plugin that used with woocommerce

You should remove password entry. There is no sense to make entry harder if this is a demo.

Thanks! What’s next? I will deploy a new demo with a user/password statically filled in the login form

I assume if you created ecommerce website from scratch, so your demo also needs to be perfect in terms of design you need to work with typography, aligning, concept, graphics and so on. Do not use watermarked images I mean you got images with iphone on them do not do so use simple(without real brand logos) photos instead. So to get it approved you need atleast to come to standart of your competitor plust bring some new feature.

No offense but you demo is not quality enough even for freebie.

I’m glad that you honestly told me what’s my plugin’s issues.
You said

so your demo also needs to be perfect in terms of design you need to work with typography, aligning, concept, graphics and so on

Can you elaborate more? Thanks!

Need completely changes in terms of design - typography, concept, colors, composition, layout and so on, there is no sense to in detail because this all need total changes as a whole.

You can learn design in 2 months up to 1 year. If you do not want you can collaborate with somebody.

You said:

I opt out the admin bar because the pos screen should be use in POS systems or tablets and in terms of UX I think it’s better to show only the POS screen without admin bar.

Please advice!

You can do similar to this Advanced POS With Inventory Management by mlglobtechnology | CodeCanyon