Anyone Please Help me! Yesterday, I’ve uploaded a codecanyon item. After finishing Review Envato Quality team says"Your item has been rejected (isn’t at the quality standard required)".
I’ve been working on this project for almost 2 months, and built with Laravel framework, All codes are well-commented. I revised all codes and documentation file hundred of times before uploading. Now, I’m lost, I don’t even know the reason for rejection.
I was hoping if (in case I forget something, CodeCanyon will ask me for improvements, not rejection), but unfortunately, this wasn’t expected.
Here is the link of my software
Admin URL:
Password: 123456
Please let me know your thoughts and how I can improve it.
Really appreciate your time and help.
Hi there,
You’re right! There is only two scripts on the CodeCanyon marketplace with the same idea, and both is buggy and not getting updated by authors. So, I’ve created this script, because I’ve been on the Traffic Exchange business since 2013 and planning to improve the script every days by creating new features and fixing bugs, etc. But unfortunately, all I wanted to accomplish, stop because of this rejection for no reasons.
I’m 100% sure if Envato Quality Team checked the two items again similar to mine, they are going to remove all of them because of the poor quality and negative feedback from buyers.
Anyway, appreciate your feedback and the time you took to review my script. I hope your submission will be accepted next time!
I don’t want to be rude but your script deserves the trash bin 
I don’t think there is any doubt why this would be rejected.
The whole concept is dubious and spammy at best
Your demo execution is weak
You can’t use envato to promote services via your own platform - it can only be a script that buyers install for themselves on their servers
You talk about respect, but you are using your demo to ask people for donations through exposure that is only acheived thanks to envato’s success?!
Guys, Can anyone please share his thoughts about my script?
I’ve added some features and fixed bugs and minor changes, after resubmitting, I get rejected. This is insane! Did the reviewer really review my software or just taking 10s to do so. Because the work of 2 months can’t be reviewed in a few seconds.
Well right now you are using envato to promote your custom script straightly by posting it from forums
There are many issues as already mentioned above by other authors.
1- Overall project looks like spam
2- Demo is not as good as it should be
3- Also with the demo asking for donations which is not a good way to offer script or services.
Well, there is a misunderstanding or you probably missed the point, they are referring to @Scripts4Geeks script and not my own.