My item has been rejected, I need feedback

My product was rejected as a result of review.
The reason is that it does not meet the quality standards.
What should I do ?

Preview link :

dashboard = Market Laravel - Login
Admin Email =
PASSWORD = 12345678

seems the interface is too old design. you should apply with latest design

Hello everyone,

A new front-end interface has been designed, and I think it looks great.
However, by mistake, I uploaded an incomplete version for review again, and naturally, the script was rejected.

Now, I am asking experts to review the script before I upload it again and let me know whether it can be accepted if there are no design errors.
I also believe the back-end code is clean and has no noticeable errors.

What should I do to get the script approved? I hope everyone can check the script and the admin panel.

Thanks in advance.

Market Laravel - Login
email =
Password = 12345678

Market Laravel - Login
email =
Password = 12345678

email =
Password = 12345678

With respect this is not up to the standards

Page does not scroll in Chrome Market Laravel - Login

Empty category images feels unfinished

Generally the design and typography feels very dated

Subscribe footer /contact widget is overlapping

Don’t use trademarked logos esp when stretched

Thank you for your response. Regarding Google Chrome, have you cleared the site data from your browser’s history so that the latest update shows? It’s working fine now. As for the empty category images, they are just placeholders; I will replace them with real images. Regarding the trademarked logos, I wasn’t aware of that, but I will replace them. Thank you for the clarification. As for the overlap in the subscription, footer, and contact widget, I believe clearing the site history from your browser should make it work well. I will make all these changes. Thanks for the great feedback, and I hope clearing the site history helps. Please let me know if the issues persist after that.

Again with respect the overall design and execution is just not there - even if you fix the small issues that won’t be enough

Sure, I will work on updating it to a better level so it meets higher standards. I’ve noticed that there aren’t many e-commerce projects built with Laravel in the marketplace, so I’ll work on the update and hope that the script is accepted if it turns out well. Thank you!