My first attemp to AudioJungle and 4/4 rejected. Any feedback pls

Hey guys,
Actually these tracks was released something about 10 years ago, but just now I tried to submit it. And 4 of 4 tracks were rejected.
It’s totally bullshit or has any chance?
I would be grateful for some feedback, thanks

I like the melodies but samples do sound like from 10 years ago :slight_smile: Maybe If you update those tracks you might get lucky

Thank you, samples are really too old :slight_smile:

It is not only the samples, it is everything, unfortunately. The first track sounds like random elements put together and not like an organic piece. There is no flow, no build and no harmonic progression and it is hard to say where this supposed to be going and what the musical intention is. Generally, for hip-hop there is not enough punch, fatness, nor flow. The mixes are unpleasant and the commercial value also isn’t there as these tracks are certainly not particularly well suited to work with a number of visual projects, which is what AJ is all about.

Thanks for feedback, so the best idea is forget about AJ)

My advice would be to have a listen to the different AudioJungle categories and analyze a few things from there (before submitting more tracks). Because I think you’ll simply lose your time by uploading random ones.

Also keep in mind that Hip Hop is not the most popular genre here at the moment (although it can still sell too, of course) but you will need to up your standard, because there is already many high quality tracks in that genre for sale.

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Absolutely not! The best idea is to sit down and think what it is that you want to do. Do you want to upload random ancient stuff of yours to a hyper-competitive marketplace? Well, that is probably not going to get you far, I agree. But, why not try to come up with something relevant to this market? Take a genre that you feel comfortable with and start producing, upload to SoundCloud, ask people for advice, keep working on your skills, and sooner or later you have a track that sells. Good luck :sunglasses:

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Yeah, I understand that hip-hop is not most popular genre here) thanks

Thanks for your advices, but in that case I prefer to focus on web development, because apart from anything else also I’m a developer.

Awesome avatar on Soundcloud :slight_smile:

yeah, I know)