My 2 logos were rejected. please help me to improve it...

Thank you for your submission. We have completed our review of “Travel Logo” and unfortunately we found it isn’t at the quality standard required to move forward, and you won’t be able to re-submit this item again.

please show errors of these 2 logos…

hi , in a general way u have a big work ahead actually as regard to anything which has to do with typo … at this stage , what u have is too plain and , no really harmonious with the illustrations and something definitely lacking originality to say the least. In the flower one, the tagline is also misplaced if u ask me and not in the right proportion either …

for me u have two very distinct problems with your logos, as problems for the first one are not the same as for the second one indeed

for the first one this is a bit more about the logo being made of many elements and thus losing some details so to speak , as, here, logos are evaluated in very small size too …u thus need to have something both punchy, original and very illustrative of what the theme is all about

for the second one, sorry to say just that but u have a very big issue as regard to style. It basically looks outdates and a bit clipart-like , t mention that colors are not super harmonious in my view …

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