Multiple use of after effects project file confusion ...

Hello guys , Merry Christmas in advance…

I am new to video hive and I was bit confused regarding using the after effect project file for educational videos . I saw one project with 110 text animations and wanted to know that can I use these text animation for multiple educational videos But all of them are for same project for instance Full class 9th videos and I wanted to sell the content so do I have to buy every time for a single video preparation or do I have to buy it again and again for the next video however of the same project .

Waiting for your reply guys …

Merry Christmas in advance guys

Hi folks,
I write on behalf of a B2B extrategic partner agency and we were looking forward using an After Effect template, but Envato Licenses regulation are not clear about multiuse for After Effect projects. We need to make a series of video trailers for several products of the same customer (all with same format, to be used on website or YouTube).
I need an official answer from Envato about this matter: can I just buy a single licence for this set of videos or do I need to settle a deal with the author for an unlimited license or at least a stock one?
Thanks in advance

I also have the same question. I have a project to create award category / winners videos for an awards night. I need to use the same After Effects file for all the videos, as it is all the same project. In this instance do I have to buy and pay for 10 versions of the same After Effects opener (as it is 10 separate videos) or does the license allow for me to use one opener (as it is one single project)? Thanks. I should add that as it is an awards video, and the after effects template is for category/winners I am assuming that only one product license is necessary! (As it is an awards night, with multiple categories)

I think they need to be more clear as of this topic, im having the same issue, and cant find the answer… did anyone got an answer?

If it’s part of a series, you can use the template up to 52 times over the period of a year… so if it’s a weekly Youtube video on pet care, then one license would be fine. You’ll need a new license the following year, or if you make more than 52 videos. If you make a series on pet care and a series on cookery, then you’d need two licenses, even if you’re only making 20 of each.

If you’re charging people to watch the videos (physical copies, downloads or online viewing), then you’d still only need one license, but it would need to be an extended one.

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