Hi Guys,
I was wondering if anyone out there is able to help me find a Wordpress template that I can use to achieve the look and feel of the website https://www.monstercat.com .
My idea is not based on music however I’d like to find a template where I have the sections just like the website mentioned above:
New Releases
Featured Merch (Not a must)
Listen on Spotify + Join the Family (Split into two sections is a must - Where the left side can be a blog etc and the right side is social platform grid just how it is on the website)
Thank you!
Hey @ShoArsh
The monstercat website is very, very niche and specific. But I gave it a crack!
So the closest thing I could really find was @ProgressionStudios Viseo Theme:
It’s a theme built for multimedia, so it’s got that going for it. It’s also got an e-commerce component built in and with a little bit of tweaking, you’d probably be able to build out a section that contains featured stuff from that part of the site. Featured and New releases would just be a matter of duplicating the section you can see in the demo and re-labeling it as required.
Building something similar would probably require customisation services. That final feature (Listen on Spotify + Join the Family) is almost definitely something you’re going to need to get built from scratch…
Others are more than welcome to chime in with better solutions
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Hi Matthew,
Thank you for looking into this, really appreciate it.
I’ve done some digging around myself and found theme Stack probably the nearest thing to MonsterCat.
However as you’ve mentioned the bottom section would probably have to be custom build which is a shame I thought there would be some type of WordPress plugin?