Looking for certain type of template

Hello, I’ve been searching for website templates (either html, wordpress or muse) for a long time and can’t seem to find what I’m looking for.

I need a simple template that has multiple pages (not just one long scrolling page) and is able to include a store to sell music. I’m looking for something close to what this site has http://www.heavyocity.com/ (notice how it is clean and simple and the header is not too big).

I would appreciate if anyone can tell me if any templates like heavyocity site exist on here.

Thanks in advance!


I can help made one similar to this.
At reasonable rate.
And it will be editable like template.

top rated designer and developer

add me on skype: danypauldesigner

I think, you can use this template by @FinalDestiny

Note : header size can be decreased easily with the Theme Options.

I think you must try this:

This is awesome work and it will fit your requirements. I already use this in my 3 websites and the support staff is just brilliant and awesome.

@luckygraphic Thanks but I’m hoping to find an already made template because I don’t really have much of a budget right now.

@surjithctly Thanks for the suggestion but it’s a bit bulky looking. Templates that have that full screen look with so much separation between elements don’t hold peoples focus as well as the center oriented ones (in my opinion).

Zee_shan_2k4 Thanks, checking it out now.